Healthy New Year! Empower Your Consumers To Build Healthy Habits

January 14, 2025
The start of a new year is the perfect time to prioritize your health and revamp your eating habits. Here are five ways SideChef’s recipe tools and recipe expertise can help you support your consumers on their path to better eating in 2025!

For all of us, building healthy habits can feel daunting. The new year is the ideal time to connect with your consumers on those things that truly matter to them and support them in their health goals. Here are five ways SideChef’s recipe tools and recipe expertise can help you support your consumers on their path to better eating in 2025!

1. Promote Cooking At Home

Home-cooked meals are healthier and linked to better diet quality and lower risks of chronic conditions. While takeout can be tempting, 43% of Americans aim to cook more in 2025. Make home cooking feel manageable and rewarding by showing how grocery shopping is cheaper than takeout and can save them up to $7 to $9 per meal. So if you’re managing your own recipe platform, now’s the time to engage with your users and promote your healthy content!

2. Make Meal Planning Easy

Planning meals for the week ahead reduces the temptation to reach for unhealthy options. Create a simple weekly menu with a balance of proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. A Personalized Meal Planner can help your consumers prepare ahead for a healthy week!

3. Share Batch Cooking Tips

Batch cooking—in which you prepare larger portions of meals ahead of time for the week—supports healthier eating by providing nutrient-rich, portion-controlled meals that are ready when you need them. This approach minimizes food waste, streamlines meal preparation, and makes it easier to maintain your health goals. Consider providing curated weekly meal plans and recipes tailored for make-ahead convenience. Additionally, leverage video content to inspire habit changes—relatable influencers demonstrating the process can make it more engaging and accessible.

4. Educate on Nutrients & Whole Foods

The more knowledge you have, the wiser your decisions become! A powerful quote that resonates across all aspects of life, beyond just your food choices! Your customers can replace processed snacks with whole, nutrient-dense options such as nuts, seeds, and fresh produce. These whole foods deliver essential nutrients and promote satiety, helping you resist unhealthy cravings. Explore how Ingredient Guides can empower users to make healthier choices, or enhance your Product Pages with a fully integrated Recipe Recommendations Widget to inspire better eating habits.

5. Unlock Their Own Creativity 

Designing your own healthy recipes makes sticking to a nutritious diet more enjoyable and helps your consumers stay motivated and engaged within your online platform. Let your consumers create their family’s favorite recipes with instantly shoppable ingredient lists. Explore how user-generated content features can strengthen your online community, and be sure to checkout the recipe creator tools within the SideChef App on iOS or Google Play.

By implementing these solutions, you can empower customers to take on healthy eating habits that will benefit their body and mind throughout the year! For these and more smart recipe solutions to integrate within your platform, get in touch with the SideChef team.