16 INGREDIENTS 12 STEPS 1hr 30min

Meaty Lasagna Roll Ups


3 Ratings
This is the more traditional version of a Mexican Lasagna, but with a slight twist that makes it SO much easier to portion and serve. Rolling up the noodles into meaty lasagna roll-ups with that filling inside rather than laying them flat in layers just makes these amazing and easy to serve little packages.
Meaty Lasagna Roll Ups Recipe | SideChef
This is the more traditional version of a Mexican Lasagna, but with a slight twist that makes it SO much easier to portion and serve. Rolling up the noodles into meaty lasagna roll-ups with that filling inside rather than laying them flat in layers just makes these amazing and easy to serve little packages.
Jeanie and Lulu's Kitchen
Welcome to Jeanie and Lulu’s Kitchen, a love letter to my two incredible grandmothers, both of whom I think about every time I’m in the kitchen.
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Jeanie and Lulu's Kitchen
Welcome to Jeanie and Lulu’s Kitchen, a love letter to my two incredible grandmothers, both of whom I think about every time I’m in the kitchen.
1hr 30min
Total Time
Cost Per Serving


455 g
Lasagna Noodles
1 dash
Canola Oil
for browning
680 g
Ground Beef
115 g
Cremini Mushrooms , finely chopped
Onion , peeled, diced
1 clove
Garlic , peeled, minced
1 sprig
Fresh Rosemary , finely chopped
1 dash
Red Wine
1 dash
Worcestershire Sauce
1 pinch
plus more for the filling
850 g
Ricotta Cheese , divided
50 g
Egg , lightly beaten
720 mL
Marinara Sauce
homemade or jarred
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Nutrition Per Serving

87.8 g
95.4 g
84.4 g

Author's Notes

Ideally, the rolls should be covered and refrigerated overnight, if possible. It lets the flavors marry and makes it a convenient, make-ahead entertainment wonder. It can also be frozen for a couple of weeks! ! Makes 18 lasagna rolls.

Cooking Instructions

Step 1
Get a large pot of water on the stove to boil, salting it until it tastes like the sea. Cook the Lasagna Noodles (455 g) according to the directions until tender but not too soft.
Step 2
While the water comes to a boil and the noodles cook, heat the Canola Oil (1 dash) in a large skillet over medium high heat. Brown the Ground Beef (680 g) in it until it is all thoroughly cooked through.
Step 3
Add in the Cremini Mushrooms (115 g) , Onion (1) , Garlic (1 clove) , and Fresh Rosemary (1 sprig) . Let them get soft and fragrant. Season everything with Salt (1 pinch) and Ground Black Pepper (1 pinch) .
Step 4
Deglaze the pan with the Red Wine (1 dash) and Worcestershire Sauce (1 dash) and give the mixture a big stir. Let it all cook together for a couple of minutes to allow the wine to cook off. Then take it off the heat and let it cool so that it won't scramble the egg in the filling.
Step 5
While the meat mixture cools, combine Ricotta Cheese (850 g) , Grated Parmesan Cheese (50 g) , Egg (1) and salt in a large bowl. Add the cooked and cooled meat mixture into the bowl with it and stir it all together to make the meaty, savory filling. Take the remaining ricotta and stir it in thoroughly with the Marinara Sauce (720 mL) in another bowl. Set both bowls aside.
Step 6
The lasagna noodles should be ready by this time. Drain them and lay them out flat on a clean surface as soon as they are cool enough to handle so that they don't stick together.
Step 7
Take a large 9x13 lasagna pan and grease the bottom with a little of the creamy marinara sauce.
Step 8
Scoop a heaping 1/4 cup of the meaty filling along the length of the first lasagna noodle and roll it up tightly. Place it seam side down in the lasagna pan and repeat until all 18 noodles are filled, rolled up and lined up in the lasagna pan.
Step 9
Spoon the rest of the marinara sauce in a generous layer over the noodles, then spread the Shredded Mozzarella Cheese (1 bag) in a generous layer on top. Ideally, cover up the tray and refrigerate overnight to let the flavors marry. You can bake it immediately, though!
Step 10
When you're ready to heat them up, preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C).
Step 11
If they're coming out of the refrigerator, 30-40 minutes will get them bubbly and glorious. If frozen, it will take 50 minutes to an hour.
Step 12
Serve immediately and enjoy with salad and garlic bread!
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Nutrition Per Serving
% Daily Value*
87.8 g
Saturated Fat
34.5 g
Trans Fat
1.8 g
493.9 mg
84.4 g
10.5 g
14.5 g
95.4 g
2330.0 mg
Vitamin D
0.8 µg
1168.6 mg
8.8 mg
1827.4 mg
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