14 INGREDIENTS 20 STEPS 3hr 40min

Blueberry Galettes


These are the best fresh Blueberry Galettes, perfect to make with the abundance of gorgeous blueberries in the summer! Fresh sweet blueberries baked in an easy, flaky homemade crust – uncomplicated and perfect – and sure to be the most irresistible fruit galettes you’ve ever had! A touch of fresh rosemary adds a gourmet flavor to the sweet and tangy blueberry filling, and the tender crust is sprinkled with sparkling sugar and chia seeds for a sweet crunch. So fast and easy to make, these tiny treats are perfect served warm with ice cream or sweetened whipped cream.
Blueberry Galettes Recipe | SideChef
These are the best fresh Blueberry Galettes, perfect to make with the abundance of gorgeous blueberries in the summer! Fresh sweet blueberries baked in an easy, flaky homemade crust – uncomplicated and perfect – and sure to be the most irresistible fruit galettes you’ve ever had! A touch of fresh rosemary adds a gourmet flavor to the sweet and tangy blueberry filling, and the tender crust is sprinkled with sparkling sugar and chia seeds for a sweet crunch. So fast and easy to make, these tiny treats are perfect served warm with ice cream or sweetened whipped cream.
Snowflakes & Coffeecakes
I'm Diane, but you can call me Mama V! I love to create and make family-friendly food for my family and friends, and I love sharing my favorite tried-and-true recipes.
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Snowflakes & Coffeecakes
I'm Diane, but you can call me Mama V! I love to create and make family-friendly food for my family and friends, and I love sharing my favorite tried-and-true recipes.
3hr 40min
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Cost Per Serving



Pastry Crust

225 g
Cold Unsalted Butter , cubed
6 g
120 mL
plus 1 Tbsp

Blueberry Filling

300 g
or Frozen Blueberries
15 g
Instant Clear Jel Thickener
or Tapioca or Corn Starch
Lemon , grated, juiced
1 tsp zest and 1 Tbsp of juice needed
to taste
Rosemary Leaves
or Fresh Thyme, Fresh Mint, or Fresh Basil


15 mL
30 g
or Sparkling Sugar
10 g
Chia Seeds
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For every order you place, SideChef is contributing towards ending hunger in America.

Nutrition Per Serving

32.5 g
10.2 g
66.9 g

Author's Notes

Cover leftover galettes and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Cooking Instructions

Step 1
Start by preparing the crust. In a large bowl, whisk together the All-Purpose Flour (310 g) , Granulated Sugar (10 g) , and Salt (6 g) .
Step 2
Add the Unsalted Butter (225 g) and toss to coat the butter evenly.
Step 3
On a well-floured surface, dump the flour mixture. With a well-floured rolling pin, roll the mixture together, flattening the butter into the flour. Use a bench scraper to bring the mixture back together again as needed.
Step 4
When the butter is in long streaks and evenly distributed through the flour, return the mixture to the bowl and create a well in the center with your fingers.
Step 5
Add the Buttermilk (120 mL) and stir to combine and make a shaggy dough. If necessary, add more buttermilk, a Tbsp at a time, but the mixture should stay a little on the dry side.
Step 6
Divide the dough into 2 and flatten slightly into disk shapes. Wrap each in plastic wrap and chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours or overnight.
Step 7
Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking mats. Make sure you have enough room in your refrigerator or freezer for these baking sheets, as the galettes will need to chill before baking.
Step 8
To prepare the blueberry filling, start by cleaning the Fresh Blueberries (300 g) , rinse in cool water, and drain well.
Step 9
In a medium bowl, gently stir or toss the blueberries, Instant Clear Jel Thickener (15 g) , Granulated Sugar (65 g) , 1 tsp of Lemon Zest (1) , and 1 Tbsp of Lemon Juice until evenly combined. Place in the refrigerator to chill.
Step 10
Working with 1 chilled pie dough at a time, place the dough onto a floured work surface. Roll into a large 12-inch circle, using your warm hands to mold any cracking edges back together.
Step 11
From the circle, cut 3 rounds using a 5-1/2 or 6-inch cookie cutter (you can also use a pan lid to cut if you have one the right size). Work quickly, as the dough becomes more delicate the longer it’s at room temperature. Repeat with the second chilled pie dough for a total of 6 crusts.
Step 12
Arrange dough rounds on prepared baking sheets. Remove filling from the refrigerator and spoon about ¼ cup into the center of each, leaving any excess juice behind in the bowl.
Step 13
Gently and tightly fold and pleat the edges up and over the filling, leaving the very center exposed. Pinch the pleats and folds to help keep them tight and compact so that they don’t unfold or lose shape while baking.
Step 14
Add a few Rosemary Leaves (to taste) to the top of each galette.
Step 15
Beat the Farmhouse Eggs® Large Brown Egg (1) and Water (15 mL) together and using a pastry brush, brush pastry edges with egg wash.
Step 16
Sprinkle generously with Raw Sugar (30 g) and Chia Seeds (10 g) for a sweet crunch.
Step 17
Chill or freeze the shaped galettes for at least 30 minutes and up to 4 hours. The galettes will lose their shape if they are not chilled well.
Step 18
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
Step 19
Bake chilled galettes for 25-28 minutes or until the edges are golden brown and the blueberry filling is bubbling.
Step 20
Remove from the oven and cool for at least 10 minutes before serving to allow the filling to thicken slightly as it cools. These are wonderful warm or at room temperature!
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Nutrition Per Serving
% Daily Value*
32.5 g
Saturated Fat
19.6 g
Trans Fat
0.0 g
117.6 mg
66.9 g
3.7 g
24.1 g
10.2 g
446.2 mg
Vitamin D
0.3 µg
48.8 mg
2.8 mg
105.3 mg
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