11 INGREDIENTS 16 STEPS 1hr 45min

Chipotle Beer Can Chicken


1 Rating
A delicious BBQ classic with a twist, Chipotle Beer Can Chicken. To go along with our chicken, we made crispy, tender chipotle-butter seasoned hasselback potatoes.
Chipotle Beer Can Chicken Recipe | SideChef
A delicious BBQ classic with a twist, Chipotle Beer Can Chicken. To go along with our chicken, we made crispy, tender chipotle-butter seasoned hasselback potatoes.
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Garlic & Zest
Whether you hunger for healthy, fresh fare, or char-grilled "man-food", light sweets or decadent treats -- you'll find those here. Satisfying food.
1hr 45min
Total Time
Cost Per Serving


1 jar
(12 oz)
Marinade , beaten, divided
I used Stubb’s® Chipotle Butter Injectable All-Natural Marinade
20 g
Barbecue Rub , divided
I used Stubbs® Bar-B-Q Spice Rub
15 g
cut into small small cubes
10 g
to taste
to taste
Freshly Ground Black Pepper
1 can
(12 fl oz)
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Nutrition Per Serving

31.8 g
40.0 g
46.2 g

Cooking Instructions

Step 1
We will be using an indirect cooking method for the chicken, which means if you're using a gas grill, only one of the burners will be on and the others will not. The wood chips will be set directly on the lit burners and the chicken will sit on the opposite side of the grill.
Step 2
Soak the cherry wood chips for an hour in a container with half of the Beer (1 can) and a cup of water.
Step 3
When wood chips have finished soaking, remove and transfer them to the smoker box. Set the smoker box/pouch directly over the burner that is your heat source. Turn on the grill to medium-high heat, about 350 degrees F (180 degrees C). It's ready to start cooking when white smoke emits from the grill.
Step 4
Pour about a cup of the Marinade (1 jar) . Use the needle to suck the chipotle mixture into the syringe.
Step 5
Start at the neck portion of the Whole Chicken (1) , injecting down under the skin and directly into the breast meat of the chicken. Holding the bird upright, inject some marinade into the meatiest part of the thighs. You'll have to pierce the skin over the thighs but keep the bird upright to mitigate the marinade seepage.
Step 6
Sprinkle the outside of the bird with the Barbecue Rub (20 g) and massage with your fingers.
Step 7
Use a church key to puncture several holes in the top of the half-empty beer can. Add about a tablespoon of rub to the beer. Carefully insert the beer can into the cavity of the chicken.
Step 8
Place the chicken on the grill opposite the smoker basket and make sure that it's steady and won't fall over. Close the lid and cook for about an hour - or 1 hour and 15 minutes or when an internal thermometer registers 165 degrees F (75 degrees C).
Step 9
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).
Step 10
Add a half cup of chipotle butter into a small bowl. Zest the Lime (1) and mix in the zest and Honey (10 g) . Set aside.
Step 11
Place a Yukon Gold Potatoes (4) on a large spoon. Use a sharp knife to cut thin slices, about 1/8-1/4" thick. The edges of the spoon will prevent you from slicing all the way through the potato, creating that accordion effect.
Step 12
Divide the Butter (15 g) among the potatoes and massage on and slightly into the crevices -- not too much, you don't want to separate the slices. Sprinkle the potatoes with Kosher Salt (to taste) and Freshly Ground Black Pepper (to taste) .
Step 13
Then mop the potatoes with some of the chipotle lime honey mixture.
Step 14
The potatoes cook for about an hour, so judge when to put them into the oven based on how long it will take for the chicken to cook. Place the potatoes on a baking sheet and bake for about 1 hour, basting with additional chipotle lime sauce occasionally.
Step 15
When the chicken is done, carefully remove the beer can, tent the chicken with tin foil, and let the bird rest for about 5 to 10 minutes.
Step 16
Carve the chicken and transfer it to a platter. Arrange the potatoes on the platter and sprinkle with Fresh Cilantro (to taste) . Serve.
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Nutrition Per Serving
% Daily Value*
31.8 g
Saturated Fat
10.9 g
Trans Fat
0.0 g
149.8 mg
46.2 g
2.3 g
3.3 g
40.0 g
2696.8 mg
Vitamin D
27.9 mg
5.5 mg
654.6 mg
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