13 INGREDIENTS •16 STEPS •1hr 55min

Chinese Steamed Soup Dumplings (Xiao Long Bao)


2 Ratings
It is not easy to make this little, juicy and yummy soup dumplings at home. Soup dumping usually is featured by its juicy soup filling. There are two different varieties of pork filling. Some use pork rind jelly while the other one uses stock directly. For beginners, the pork rind jelly version is much easier since it would be easy to assemble to soup dumplings. Good luck!
Chinese Steamed Soup Dumplings (Xiao Long Bao) Recipe | SideChef
It is not easy to make this little, juicy and yummy soup dumplings at home. Soup dumping usually is featured by its juicy soup filling. There are two different varieties of pork filling. Some use pork rind jelly while the other one uses stock directly. For beginners, the pork rind jelly version is much easier since it would be easy to assemble to soup dumplings. Good luck!
China Sichuan Food
I want to use this experience to introduce the world traditional authentic Chinese food.
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China Sichuan Food
I want to use this experience to introduce the world traditional authentic Chinese food.
1hr 55min
Total Time
Cost Per Serving


150 mL
Water , room temperature
135 g
Pork Rinds
1 bunch
3 scallions per 4 servings
10 g
15 mL
Sesame Oil
6 g
2 g
Scallions , minced
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Nutrition Per Serving

38.3 g
44.6 g
50.0 g

Author's Notes

You will need to refrigerate the pork rind jelly overnight.

Cooking Instructions

Step 1
In a pot, add cold water and Pork Rinds (135 g) to cook for around 5 minutes after boiling until the pork skin becomes slightly transparent. Transfer the pork rind out and rinse in running water. Remove impurities and fat layer. Cut the pork rind into small strips.
Step 2
In a high pressure cooker or pot, add enough water to cover the pork rinds. Add Fresh Ginger (4 slices) and several Scallions (1 bunch) sections. Cook for at least 40 minutes for high pressure cooker and at least one and half hour for ordinary cooker. Leave the soup to cool down.
Step 3
Use food processor to blend for seconds. And then filter the soup once. Pour into an airtight container and refrigerate overnight.
Step 4
In a small bowl, soak Fresh Ginger (6 g) and Scallions (2 g) with 1/2 cup of hot water for around 10 minutes.
Step 5
In a large mixing bowl, mix the ginger and green onion water with the Ground Pork (455 g) by three batches. Use your hand to stir in one direction until the water is completely absorbed by the minced pork.
Step 6
Then add Oyster Sauce (15 mL) , Light Soy Sauce (30 mL) , Salt (10 g) , Sesame Oil (15 mL) , and Granulated Sugar (4 g) . Mix well and set aside for 10 minutes for better absorption.
Step 7
Mince the pork jelly and mix with the ground pork filling.
Step 8
Add All-Purpose Flour (250 g) and Water (150 mL) in a mixing bowl and then knead the dough until smooth and stretchy. This may need 15 to 20 minutes depending on your kneading skill. You can also use a mixer.
Step 9
Cover with a wet cloth and reset for 20 minutes.
Step 10
Dust your board and re-knead the dough for around 5 minutes and then further roll into a long log. Cut the log into small sections of similar weight. Press the sections and roll out to a round wrapper. During the process, do remember to cover everything under a wet cloth to avoid drying out.
Step 11
Prepare your bamboo steamer; cover the steamer with cloth, zongzi leaves, or brushing some oil on the surface so that the dumplings will not be sticky to the steamer.
Step 12
Assemble the soup dumplings one by one by putting a small amount of filling in the center of a wrapper and pinching the sides together.
Step 13
Twist the folds to the center.
Step 14
Remember to seal the hole in the top at the very last step.
Step 15
Place the dumpling on the steamer. Remember to leave some spaces between each other. Set up the steamer and steam for around 8 to 10 minutes after the water is boiling.
Step 16
Serve directly or with Chinese black vinegar. Enjoy!
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Nutrition Per Serving
% Daily Value*
38.3 g
Saturated Fat
12.6 g
Trans Fat
0.0 g
122.2 mg
50.0 g
1.8 g
1.7 g
44.6 g
2159.7 mg
Vitamin D
32.8 mg
4.5 mg
428.2 mg
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