Butternut squash belongs to the winter squash family along with pumpkins. Butternut squash is one of the most sweetest varieties of winter squash and can be recognized by its flesh-colored long bell shape, and its sweet, nutty taste and texture much like sweet potatoes.
In Australia and New Zealand, it is referred to as a butternut pumpkin.
Select squashes which feel heavy for their size. A fat neck and small bulb indicate a smaller seed cavity and therefore yield more flesh.
Select a butternut squash which has hard skin without bruises or indications of mold.
When storing a whole butternut squash do not put it in he fridge, just leave it in a cool and dark place.
Cut butternut squash should be tightly covered in foil and can be refrigerated for up to five days.
Try steam-baking your butternut squash, it’s a great way to create a puree that can be used as baby food or added to muffin batter.
If you want to use the seeds of squash to eat, be sure to boil them for ten minutes in salted water before toasting. This will help the seeds become more easily digestible.
To make peeling the skin of squash easier, poke a few holes in the squash with a fork and microwave for about two minutes.
A very easy recipe to try at home can be made by dicing the squash, tossing it in some oil, honey and cinnamon and roasting it at 400 °F for 35-40 minutes
Pureed butternut squash can be used as a mashed potato replacement, stir some gruyere or parmesan cheese through it to give it some extra flavor.
Butternut Squash is very similar to pumpkin, it is rich in minerals such as iron, zinc, copper ,calcium and potassium.
The flesh of squash is full of vitamin A and C while the seeds are filled with proteins and healthy fats.
Its high vitamin A content makes it a beneficial food for skin and hair.
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