Cooking Instructions
Step 1
In a pan over medium-high heat, pan-fry
Bacon (6 slices)
until crispy.
Step 2
Remove bacon from the pan and set aside. Strain the bacon oil into a large jar through a fine strainer.
Step 3
DEWAR'S® 12 (13.5 fl oz)
to the jar. Cover with a lid and shake well. Allow it to infuse for 5-6 hours, then place in the freezer to chill the fat.
Step 4
Pour the fat washed whiskey from the jar through a fine strainer.
Step 5
In a rocks glass, add a
Brown Sugar Cube (1/2)
Angostura Bitters (2 dashes)
, and 2 fl oz of fat washed whiskey. Muddle with a muddler until sugar is dissolved.
Step 6
Fill the glass with
Ice (as needed)
Step 7
Fill up the glass with the rest of the fat washed whiskey. Stir the drink with a bar spoon.
Step 8
Place the bacon on top of the glass. Roast the bacon with a blowtorch and serve.
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