step 1
First, soak the Soybeans (1 cup) in water for at least 3 hours. Then drain away the water and set it aside.
step 2
In two batches, put the soaked soybeans into a blender or grinder. Add half the Water (12 cups) and blend the soybean with the water until almost smooth.
step 3
Pour the blended soybean liquid into a cloth coffee filter to sieve out the soybean residue. Squeeze the coffee filter to release more of the soy milk from the residue.
step 4
Continue to do the same with the balance of the soaked soybeans. Put the soybeans in a blender and blend with the balance of the water.
step 5
Filter and strain out the soybean residue. Squeeze to release more of the soy milk.
step 6
Double strain the soy milk into a large pot. Add in the Pandan Leaves (2). Using medium heat, bring the soy milk to a boil, stirring constantly.
step 7
When the soy milk boils, lower the heat and allow it to simmer for another 5 minutes. Then remove pandan leaves and the soy milk is done.
step 8
While the soybean milk is being boiled, prepare the setting agent. In a jar, add Water (1/2 cup) and Glucono Delta-Lactone (1/2 tsp). Stir to mix well.
step 9
Add in Corn Starch (1 Tbsp) and flavor with Vanilla Essence (1/2 tsp). Stir thoroughly to mix everything together.
step 10
To make soybean curd (tau foo fah), have ready a heat-resistant pot with a lid. Pour simultaneously the setting agent and the boiling soymilk from a height into the pot. Hold the pot of soymilk higher than the cup of setting agent when pouring.
step 11
Immediately cover the pot with a lid and do not stir the mixture. Leave aside for 15 to 20 minutes.
step 12
Meanwhile, prepare the Ginger Sugar Syrup. Bring Granulated Sugar (1 1/4 cups), Water (1/2 cup), Fresh Ginger (1/4 cup), and Pandan Leaves (2) to a boil. Allow simmering for a few minutes till the syrup is slightly thickened and infused with the ginger flavor. Then sieve into a bowl and cool before serving.
step 13
Prepare the Palm Sugar Syrup. Boil Palm Sugar (2 1/3 cups), Water (1 cup), and Pandan Leaves (3). Continue to boil on medium heat till the palm sugar is fully dissolved and the syrup becomes thicker. Strain into a bowl and cool before serving.
step 14
After about 20 minutes, the soymilk will have coagulated and settled to be smooth and yummy tau foo. The surface will have lots of bubbles so use a sharp flat ladle to remove the surface bubbles. Then only scoop up the tau foo fah.
step 15
To serve, use the sharp and flat ladle to gently scoop thin slices of soft and velvety beancurd into bowls. Then top with ginger sugar syrup or palm sugar syrup before serving.