With its unique shape and beautiful color, star anise is an incredibly unique spice. It is the fruit of a tree that grows in southwest China and Vietnam.
This spice is commonly used in mulled wine, chai, and pho. The oil from star anise is typically used in products such as soap, toothpaste, and body creams.
Store in an airtight container. Whole star anise should stay fresh for up to 2 years if stored properly.
If guests are coming over and you want your house to smell welcoming, combine water, lemon or orange juice, cinnamon and star anise in a small saucepan. Heat over medium heat. Your house will smell fantastic!
Add star anise to hot water for a comforting tea.
Japanese star anise is poisonous and should not be eaten.
Combine wine, orange, slices, cinnamon, sticks, cloves, and star anise. Heat for a lovely mulled wine.
Marinade pork in a mixture of soy sauce, fish sauce, paprika, garlic, and star anise. Cook in a slow cooked until tender.
Add star anise to your next curry for a new flavor profile.
Star anise has antioxidants and is a good source of calcium, copper, iron, and manganese.
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