It's 2020 and nothing looks the same. A global pandemic has meant we're all reimagining and restrategizing every element of our lives - we're working from home, we're meeting online, and we're cooking more than we ever have. For many, this is their first foray into the kitchen, but even for those of us who have spent many years perfecting our favorite recipes, the fatigue around what to make, and how to fit it into our 'new normal' is very real. To put it into numbers, if you have been sheltering in place for roughly three months (as many places around the world have), solely cooking at home, you have made roughly 300 meals.
It's not really just about all the cooking is it? Some of you might also be balancing working from home in a 600 square foot, 1-bedroom apartment, getting to know your spouse as a co-worker. Or, you might be facing juggling child care and a full-time job - parents out there doing it all - we see you, we salute you!
We've teamed up with our friends at Panasonic to make your lives a little easier by developing 6 recipes that can be prepared with the help of a Panasonic Microwave Oven. Long gone are the days where microwave cooking meant heating up a frozen meal and here to stay are wholesome, healthy, quick, family-friendly meals made with ease.
Grilled chicken quesadillas? Easy. Shepherd's pie? You betcha. A comforting pasta? (Yes, you can cook pasta in a microwave!) Accessible. We applaud everyone making their first sourdough starters and buying pasta-making machinery, but we're also 100% here for those who need a break from their ovens, those in search of easier cooking, those with just enough space for an appliance that can do so much more than popcorn.
To relaxed easy meals and unfussy cooking.